Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mistakes and Other Inaccurate Information

Mistakes and other inaccurate information on your credit report aren't your fault and in a perfect world, wouldn't affect you.

Our world is not perfect, however, and while you may not be responsible for some or all of the questionable items on your credit report, you are probably being held accountable for them.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives you the right to contact credit bureaus directly and dispute items on your credit reports. Just as in a court of law, you have the right to plead "not guilty" to questionable information on your credit reports, and leave the burden of proof to the credit bureaus.

You can dispute any and all items on your credit reports that you feel classify as inaccurate, unverifiable, or misleading. If the bureaus can not verify that the information on your reports is indeed correct, then those items must be deleted.

I am a member of Financial Empowerment Network Team and Prime Financial Credit Services

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